Roundworms in humans – symptoms and treatment

Helminthiasis or worm invasion is the infection of the organism of parasites. Getting worms can every one of the pets, through appliances, without washing their hands, raw fish or meat. The sources of the large amount, so in real life it is very difficult, and almost impossible to be protected from helminths. Infection of worms is often manifested under the guise of other diseases – disorders of the digestive system, decrease of vision, diseases of the liver and other internal organs. This complicates the diagnostic process and leads to the inefficiency assigned to the therapy.

Worms in the adult can be varied, each one of which, the sedimentation rate in human beings, leads to the development a disease-specific or multiple. If the cause of these evils are other pathogens and parasites no, heal quickly and effectively. Otherwise, conservative treatment is meaningless, since treatment must focus on removing the symptoms, and the removal of the cause of origin of helminths.


The main types of worms

In nature there are about 250 species of helminths. For each one of them needs certain conditions for its existence and development. Worms differ in size, shape, and other characteristics. The classification of these parasites, however, has not been created yet and has not been approved by the scientists. The separation of earthworms from the nationality is also the place to be. This fact complicates the classification of the parasites.

In the countries of the mid-latitudes moderate, the weather conditions, you can count with more than 20 species of helminths, which are conventionally divided into three groups depending on the appearance of the form:

  • Round (nematodes);
  • Tape (cestodes);
  • Flat (trematody).

Each of these groups has hundreds of varieties of parasitic worms. Nematodes and trematody more widespread in nature, in place of tape parasites. The human body is the ideal environment for the reproduction and growth of the earthworm and Ascaris. They are also often found and Trichinella. To Cestoda belong bullish of pork, short cuts or detours tsepni, the choice of lentets.

The signs and symptoms of the worms in the man

Worms that live as a parasite in the human body, in the literal sense of "suck" of the force. The first indications of the existence in the body of the worms, expressed through the chronic fatigue, severe weight reduction, enhancement or loss of appetite. Itching in the anus also points to the possible spread of the worms.

The signs of parasitic infection of the organism can be indirect and characteristic symptoms of the gastrointestinal diseases, neurosis, dermatological diseases and allergies. This can be:

  • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea;
  • Constant fatigue, weakness, headaches, fever, drowsiness, apathy, insomnia;
  • The violation of the structure of the hair and of the nails, allergic nose, hives, itching rash, dry spasmodic cough, bronchospasm;
  • In a context of low immunity of the defeat of the body of various infectious diseases and inflammatory processes (acute and chronic disease, lower the body's defenses, and he becomes an excellent target for the spread of pathogens in the intestinal flora and the infection).

Because the symptoms that indicate the presence of worms, are similar to those of the sintomatologa of other diseases, you can rarely determine the true cause of the discomfort, and assign the appropriate treatment. Are the consequences of the deterioration of the person and of its possible complications, in which the parasites multiply, the destruction of "the favorite", the authority and extend all over the body. One of the most serious complications may be the internal bleeding, the resignation of the liver, intestinal obstruction and others.

The diagnosis of worms in the human body

For the identification of the worms in the body before it is used two methods: duodenal remote sensing and analysis of feces, urine, saliva, depending of their species for the detection of helminth eggs. These diagnostic methods were not perfect, since a very large role in the investigation played by the human factor. The results reported directly to the professionalism and qualification of the laboratory head, who made this analysis. A specialist could not discern the signs of the parasites in the material investigated.

Science has marched forward, and now there are more informative and accurate than the methods of diagnosis worm infestations investigations immunological biomaterial that allows a high precision to set the content in the blood of antibodies and antigens to the various species of helminths. It is:

  • The elisa test (test of immunoadsorption enzyme in worms). The accuracy of the results of this method exceeds 90%. This study shows if there are any parasites and eggs of the worms in the body of its development cycle and the type to which they belong.
  • The elisa tests – specifically designed tests that show the response of the organism to the infection with the parasite. This method is not independent. Must be used with elisa (laboratory for microscopic study).
  • Serological tests (REEF, Phragmites, rac, RAHL). These methods are applied most frequently for the diagnosis of helminth infection in the acute phase.
  • The ultrasound
  • Ultrasound, X-ray of the internal organs.
  • In ct (computed tomography) scan, endoscopy.
  • Pcr detection of the invasion of the body additional parasites and protozoa.
  • The bioresonance diagnostic of the research, which enables certain characteristic parasites of the frequencies calculate your body at an early stage.

The modern methods of diagnosis with a high degree of confidence of the results of recognizing not only the fact of infection of the organism worms, but also to determine the type, age and stage of development, which greatly facilitates the task of the doctors and speeds up the healing process of the person.

The treatment of the worms to the adult person

The worms in the nature there are many types, therefore, it is naive to believe that there is a miracle pills that can rid the body of worm invasions all at the same time. The treatment helminth infection adults involves a whole complex of drugs and procedures, as well as the strict compliance of all the recommendations of the doctors and of the rules of personal hygiene. The tool worms individually, on the basis of the results of the research and the view of helminths found.

The treatment of the various types of worms will be ineffective, if the person provided one, since there is a high probability of recurrence (reinfection) of the loved ones. Get rid of the worms is possible only in the case of each member of the family or people who live with an infected person, he will carry out the necessary medication course.

Pills of worms for the man

Anti-helminth tablets may be as to the destruction of many species of helminths, which are common in other latitudes, and strictly directed (for certain types of parasites). The most common of the drugs of worms wide application on the basis of the four main active substances.

Each tool worms have other side effects such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, drowsiness, and other symptoms of intoxication of the organism of the chemical substances. In the case of the emergence of one or other of these symptoms should be taken enterosorbent.

The drops of worms

Drops, such as anti-helminth medication in the form of pills, are also effective and easy to use. Medication of worms in the form of drop allow you to correctly calculate the dose, which often you can't do with the tablets as most of them are covered special protective envelope, to interfere with that it is absolutely impossible. In the form of eye drops for the treatment of worm invasions support the following drugs.

All drugs for the treatment of helminth infection, regardless of the form of issuance are strong and toxic, which can not only help to get rid of parasites, but also be the cause of the acute poisoning of the organism. It is important not to self-medicate, pick up the medication and dose you should be a specialist.

The media worms

Not only medications may help to eliminate worms from your body. The nature thought everything in advance and gave the possibility to the person to get rid of parasites with the aid of the plant and its fruits. In folk medicine there are a lot of recipes for the treatment of worm invasion. Among such, you can select the most common:

The garlic
  • Wormwood – used in the form of hit a dry powder of the substance or the preparation of the cooking. The dry leaves give a strong bitter, it is best to take it with honey. To prepare the broth should be 2 tablespoons of raw materials add 0.5 liter of boiling water and cook on small fire of 15 minutes. The infusion is prepared as well as the cooking, only the brewing of beer is not necessary. The tincture of alcohol is prepared as well: in half a litre of vodka to take 100 grams of the dried leaves of mugwort, cover and put in a week in the dark, in a cool place.
  • Of tansy – for the treatment and prevention used the seeds and inflorescence of this plant. A tablespoon of seeds of tansy pour a glass of boiling water. Insist until cool. The infusion of the inflorescences is prepared in the following manner: in the half-glass of dried flowers need half a litre of boiling water. To insist, until the brew is not cooled to room temperature, and filtered through a gauze or bandage.
  • On the basis of ginger tea from raw ginger root with honey, one of the most delicious and effective and popular methods of treatment of helminth infection. Prepare this drink just: a spoon, or 30 to 50 grams chopped fresh ginger root pour boiling water and leave to cool until the temperature 6in degrees. The honey can be diluted in the heat of the drink, or simply dissolve in the mouth, drink tea.
  • The infusion of dry ground cloves, cilantro in a cup of boiling water 50-60 grams of dry powder. Its infusion is the tool about an hour in a warm place. Wrap the container with the potion in the heat of the kitchen towel.
  • The garlic is applied in any kind: boiled, roast, raw, baked. It is best to add raw crushed garlic in salads and other dishes, as the fresh kind contains more useful substances, that "don't like" parasites.

Unlike the traditional medicine recipes of traditional medicine have almost no contraindications and side effects, in addition to individual intolerance, and allergy to a particular component.

A enema worms

In addition of soups, broths, infusions and other remedies for self-medication use enemas cleaning. It is considered that the effectiveness of these procedures, thanks to the local action, much higher than that of the medications for the reactivation of the employment, as well as to the treatment there are virtually no side effects. For enemas is used:

  • Chesneyenday dye – Rastenlenny in the slurry of garlic, fill with warm water, not hot, boiled water and insist about half an hour. In a half head of garlic, take a glass of warm water. It can be prepared in a larger volume of, subject to the fulfilment of the proportions.
  • Infusion of tansy ragwort – a tablespoon of inflorescences dry, add 0,5 l of boiled water, wrap in a warm towel or put in a warm place and insist minutes and 40 – 50. Use the infusion as an enema with a temperature of 36 – 37 degrees celsius.
  • The infusion of wormwood dry – for preparation will need 50 grams dry crushed powder from the sheet to pour the boiling water and leave to cool. This tool is much more strong, so that to abuse them is not worth it.

Any decoction or tincture for enemas only used in PRenzegenenm as for any small and fall and not injured the intestines. Scientifically it has not been demonstrated the effectiveness of these treatments. An enema with the garlic can not only cure the invasion, but and cause injuries such as burns of the mucosa.

The prevention of the infection of worms

The parasites live in the environment and coexist with man. The risk of infection is always high. The prevention of worms is the best remedy to this situation. Carry out the preventive measures that should regulate, because different types of parasites have a cycle of individual development.

As the treatment and prevention is performed by all members of the family at the same time. On the basis of the anti-helminths drugs toxic to the prevention of better to give preference to popular tools such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, broth of artemis, and also try to avoid possible sources of infection of worms. Prevention refers to:

  • Hygiene: washing of hands with soap and water after using the bathroom, public spaces and transport, before and after the intake of food, the use of a personal towel and soap, bed linen and underwear;
  • Just eat carefully washed fresh fruits, vegetables, as well as products that have completed the heat treatment;
  • The destruction in the housing, in particular in the kitchen all kinds of insects (mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches) that carry the eggs of the helminths in the legs or in jalhay;
  • Avoid drinking water from unreliable sources; consuming water you need boiled;
  • Медикаmентendirty prevention – use of anthelmintic drugs regularly to the 4 - 6 months or when there is a demonstrable risk of infection; as a preventative, apply the same medications for treatment, only in smaller doses.

The use of the drug is made by recommendation of the doctors after the consultation. After the celebration of the prevention of helminth infection, through two to three weeks, take a course of repetition, to rule out the possibility of the development of new parasites pending before eggs.